The handcrafter search engine for your site
The benefit of using a handcrafter search engine is that it can provide a more personalized and accurate search experience for users, which can lead to higher engagement, more traffic, and ultimately, more conversions or sales for the website owner. Additionally, because the search engine is created specifically for the site, it can be optimized for speed and efficiency, which can help improve the overall user experience and make the site more competitive in its niche or industry.
Get data from Chat GPT-3
This feature allows you to integrate with the GPT-3 language model to enhance the accuracy of your virtual assistant’s responses.
Unlimited command with the custom dataset
This means that you can create as many voice commands as you want for your virtual assistant, allowing you to customize it to your specific needs.
An authenticated user can submit listings and manage the directory using voice command!
Easy Digital Downloads
Search and purchase digital downloads using voice control
WP Event Manager
Create, Delete, and update events also search and book by voice command!